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Monday, January 24, 2011

Presentations in an LMS

A question on the WCET listserv today sparked a discussion on Powerpoint presentations in LMS's.  My feel is that you can't simply upload the slides from a F2F presentation.  Slides are meant to be used with someone speaking.  If they are good slides they really don't stand alone without the speech that goes with them.  My preference for a presentation with slides is Voice Thread. Voice Thread is very easy to use.  You upload your slides/photos/whatever and then record your speech for each slide.  You can record and re-record until you have it exactly the way you want it to be.  

My kids, on the other hand, really like Prezi.  They love the way you move around in Prezi, that it is a map and not particularly linear.  Unfortunately, you lose the audio again in Prezi, and that means it is text-based.  I prefer pictures, so I need some audio.


  1. Slides with podcast would be better, but again, a presentation is with a live speaker and simply the slides and audio lose that important interactivity with the audience.

  2. I enjoyed the variety of alternatives to PPT that folks presented, including a series of links at (Al Levine's site). The info here made me wonder if we could change people's mindset about just uploading PPTs to classes if we focused more on the concept that with those tools, we're trying to tell a story. . .
