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Monday, January 17, 2011

Other Retention Discussions. . .

Ha ha! I had just the article Lisa mentioned in her previous post about "low tech" methods for improving retention. I found it particularly interesting because I had actually been thinking about giving the phone call concept a try. I just HATE when students simply disappear, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of personal interaction will help me avoid that mid-semester "guess I'll just go away" mindset. This idea is made more feasible for me by my recent introduction to the G-Mail phone feature. I can call students using this free service and not have to use up my own minutes. . .or divulge my cell phone number. Stay tuned! I'll let you know if I actually make the time to do it AND what kind of response I get.

In this same issue of EQ, an article titled "The Case for Nudge Analytics" had a link to this YouTube video about "the fun theory." This may be an example of someone having far too much time on his/her hands, but I think it's a great example of how we can take something that seems impossibly boring and mundane and turn it into something fun.

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